Action Groups

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Action Groups

Millersville is bustling! Take action in spreading the love of Christ in a number of different ways. Find where God has blessed you with talent and get to work!

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
Galatians 5:13
Outreach Group

Spread the Gospel message to your family, friends, and people in your community! Facilitate personal Bible studies, aid with correspondence courses, and help with events where the Bible is preached. Phone calls, texts, and cards of encouragement, and greetings to our visitors are all activities this group participates in.

Prayer Group

God hears us when we pray! Thank God that He does! How many times have we needed the comfort of knowing that He hears our pleas, petitions, and thanksgivings? There is power in prayer. The prayer group meets after evening service every Sunday. Study a short verse from the Bible and then lift up your petitions to the Lord!

Food Group

Everybody knows the power of a good meal. This group provides meals for congregation members and families, caring for those who are sick, shut-in, grieving, new parents, recovering from surgery or other injuries, and more. By providing meals, this group relieves the stress of putting food on the table during difficult times.

Transportation Group

For some members, it can be difficult to get around to the various places our lives may take us. This group provides transportation for our congregation members that are unable to drive to doctor’s appointments, hospital visits, grocery shopping, church services, and more.

Encouragement Group

Bring sunshine and the light of God into the lives of those within the congregation who are struggling with issues in life or are separated from the church community because of age or illness. Visits, phone calls, and cheery cards are all a part of lifting each-other up.

Benevolence Group

Sometimes our congregation’s members and those in the community need material help. The benevolence group works with our deacons and Special Projects Group to meet those needs where appropriate.

Building Maintenance and Special Projects Group

Take care of of the blessings we have from God. Perform routine maintenance in and around the church building (replacing light bulbs, emptying trash, cleaning entry ways, refreshing the mulch, washing windows, etc), spearhead our annual cleaning day, take care of maintenance issues for our shut-ins and members in need, and work with the Benevolence group on other special projects.

Youth Group

Children of all ages come together to learn how to love the Lord, spend time with one-another, encourage each-other, study the Bible, and have fun! The youth group has bible studies grouped by age, participates in the other groups’ acts of service, and gets together for fun events like ice skating, summer parties, and movie nights.
